Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 172 - Hardwood Finishing

Starting today (Saturday) and lasting until this Wednesday, we will not be allowed in our house due to the finishing of the hardwood floors. I was at the house today installing the post for the mailbox and the hardwood guys were there putting a coat of stain down. I asked if I could sneak a peak before they left (I thought they would say no) but was able to snap one quick picture of the dining room and hallway. After they left and the house was locked up, I went up on the deck to snap a few more from outside. Luckily they left some lights on so you could see things pretty well.

Now the installing of the mailbox post is another fun story. I encountered so many rocks trying to dig a two foot deep hole. I would literally dig a few inches down and would have to work on getting another rock out of the hole. While working on this I had two separate neighbors offer tools and help so I could finish digging. With extra shovels and nice hefty spud bar, I finally got the hole dug. It cost me over an hour, plus blisters and working in the dark, but I finally got the post cemented in and the hole covered in dirt. One less thing we have to do before we move in (which is scheduled for November 23rd)...

Inside sneak peak.
View from the deck.
Another view from the deck...

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