Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 94 - Brick Day #6 and Drywall #3

Brick laying resumed today and they almost have the back of the house finished now. From here they will be continuing on the side with the garage. Maybe the bricking will pick up a bit now. The drywall hangers have the basement all drywalled now and have a few places throughout the house to finish drywalling still. They will actually be working both Saturday and Sunday this weekend so that they can hopefully get done by next Friday. Here are the pics...

Brick resumes...


My office.

Walkout basement.

Basement closet.

Basement half-bathroom.

Arch form.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 93 - Drywall Day #2 and No Brick

Well, they didn't quite get drywall done today and they didn't do brick at all today. They got most of the first floor done and have not worked on the basement yet. The new tub was also installed and the faucet holes were drilled in the tub. Here are the pics from the day.

Pile of drywall...these are 4' x 12' x 1/2" sheets.

Laundry room.

Basement and mudroom entrances.

Living room/dining room.

Living room/dining room.


Family room.

Breakfast nook.


Lights in kitchen.

View downstairs.


Tub installed.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 92 - Brick Day #5 and Drywall Day #1

Today was a big day...drywall going up! It sure makes a huge difference in getting a feel for how the rooms will look when completed. It was sure messy in the rooms that they drywalled in and they told us to watch out for nails on the floor. They also did a little brick today. My builder mentioned that the brick layers were working reduced hours because of their union. Maybe it has something to do with the excessive heat. At this rate it will likely take two full weeks or more to finish the brick. Luckily, there is nothing that is waiting on the brick to get done. Here are the pics from today:

Brick getting closer to being done on back.

Starting brick on side.

Alli's bedroom with drywall.

Attic access in Kara's bedroom closet.

Sami's bedroom.

Jake's bedroom.

Master bedroom.

Master bedroom.

Master bathroom partially drywalled and new bathtub frame built.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 90 - A LITTLE more brick

I am sure I don't realize how difficult it may be to brick a house, but the bricking process sure does seem to be going slow. I'm not exactly sure when it will get done at this point, but I am thinking it will be sometime next week. Today, we got our new tub delivered and sent the other one back. So now they can re-frame the tub the way we had in the original design. My builder also said that drywall will start on Wednesday!That will really start to define the spaces in our house and help us visualize what our house will look like. Also, in the pictures below is the sound reducing insulation that I put in my office to help keep it quiet. I put special sound deadening insulation in the ceiling and regular insulation in the walls. Here are the pics...

Insulation in office.

Sound deadening insulation in office.

New tub.

Where the old tub was...

The whole house audio wiring where the main unit will eventually be.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 86 - Brick and Insulation Day #2

Here is an update from day 2 of brick and insulation. Based on how much has been done, it must be a tough and time consuming job. It looks like all of the insulation was blown in today. In some of the pictures, you can see where the poked a hole in the backing that they put up yesterday to inject the insulation. Here are the photos...

Fireplace vent.

Garage Insulation.

Living room insulation.

Alli's bedroom insulation.