Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 90 - A LITTLE more brick

I am sure I don't realize how difficult it may be to brick a house, but the bricking process sure does seem to be going slow. I'm not exactly sure when it will get done at this point, but I am thinking it will be sometime next week. Today, we got our new tub delivered and sent the other one back. So now they can re-frame the tub the way we had in the original design. My builder also said that drywall will start on Wednesday!That will really start to define the spaces in our house and help us visualize what our house will look like. Also, in the pictures below is the sound reducing insulation that I put in my office to help keep it quiet. I put special sound deadening insulation in the ceiling and regular insulation in the walls. Here are the pics...

Insulation in office.

Sound deadening insulation in office.

New tub.

Where the old tub was...

The whole house audio wiring where the main unit will eventually be.

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