Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 14 - Wall forms

The foundation crew actually was able to start working this morning despite the wet and muddy conditions. They actually pumped out a lot of the water around the house and had a lot done by lunchtime.

When we got to the house around lunchtime, Steve had some questions for us regarding the walkout basement. The way the land slopes and will be graded requires that we either increase the slope of the grading or wrap the dirt around to the back of the house some to allow the yard to flow well. This is on the opposite side of the house where the retaining wall is. The impact of wrapping the lawn around the back of the house is that it requires that our windows on that side of the basement not be as tall. They are currently 72" tall windows but will need to be shrunk to 48" tall. To make it flow well, all windows in the basement will be scaled down to 48" tall, but we are increasing the window width from 36" wide to 40" wide. This will help offset the height reduction some and allow as much light to get in as possible. This is especially important since this is the north facing side of the house.

Now it is just a race to finish setting the forms and rebar and getting the concrete poured before the rain is supposed to start Wednesday evening. I think it should work out...

Setting up the forms.

Wall forms.

Overhead shot of wall forms.

Side view.

Inside of wall forms. I am assuming that the bracing is for the rebar to rest on.

Flooded footer.

View from the front of the house.

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