Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 20 & 22 - Waterproofing, Basement Plumbing, Drain Tile, etc.

So I am currently away on business in good ole Missouri, but that obviously doesn't stop the progress on the house. On day 20, the plumber came and installed all of the plumbing that will be under the slab when it gets poured. I am pretty sure that is just all of the drains that make their way from everywhere in the house to the sewers. Also on day 20, the foundation walls were waterproofed with some tar-like substance called watchdog waterproofing. On day 22, our builder Steve installed the drain tile himself and there was some more gravel added and it looks like some backfill on the back of the house. My wife graciously took some pictures on her phone and on our main camera for me. Below are the pics that she sent. I will upload more detailed photos when I get back. Looks like on Friday there will be an inspection and then more gravel and backfill, and possibly even poring the slab. If things go as planned, framing will begin in the middle of next week! Praying that the weather holds out!

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