Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 8 - Nothing Much

Not much happened today. A couple more pallets of forms were delivered for the walls, but the foundation crew was on another job, so no work was done today. Hopefully they will start putting up the forms and rebar tomorrow. It will take a full day and maybe a day and a half to get everything setup before they can pour the concrete into the forms. Sure hope the chance for rain that the weathermen are calling for is low. Apparently the foundation crew can work if there is just a little rain but not if it is a downpour and the ground gets muddy. It is more for the workers safety than the concrete setting. So without any updates for the day, here are a couple of pictures from Day 6 that my uncle took:

A picture of me taking pictures.

Jake, king of the mountain!

Me and my dad.

My mom and the kids.

Family fun.

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