Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 6 - Footers Poured

Today was the perfect day for foundation work. Footers were poured and the forms removed by the end of the day. Here are some pictures from the days work.

Footer showing the drainage pipes.

Footer by the garage dropping down to the basement.

Rebar for the retaining wall that is needed because of the over-elevated house next door.

Retaining wall.

Bump-out for where the fireplace will go.

Zoomed out view of footers looking toward the front of the house.

Pads for the structural columns of the house.

Pads for the deck.

Front porch footers.
Tomorrow, the plan is to fill gravel where the slab will be poured for the basement floor. We are also hoping that the forms for the walls will be delivered so that they can pour the walls on Wednesday. We will post more pictures as things change at our house.

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